Why January Is The Best Month For House Hunting

Why January Is The Best Month For House HuntingHave you made it your New Year’s resolution to find that perfect home for you and your family? You might have thought that you needed to wait until spring to start house shopping, but the fact is that January is a great time to begin.

Put on your winter jacket and get out there while the leftovers from the New Year’s party are still in the fridge – you’ll have the upper hand.

House hunting in January offers a number of advantages that will work in your favor. Here are some of the main reasons:

Busy Social Calendars

First of all, most other people will be busy with parties, holidays and getting back to work after Christmas and they won’t want to venture out in the cold weather to go look at houses – so there will be less competition when bidding on homes.

This means that you can get in there and put in an offer that the seller can’t refuse.

Determined Seller

Also, if the home is on the market at this time of year, there is a chance that the home sale is somewhat urgent.

If they were not as determined, they might pull their home out of the market and wait until spring to try again. With a motivated seller you are more likely to get a better price.

A Dedicated Real Estate Agent

Your real estate agent will have more time on their hands at this time of the year, because they will be less busy. This means that they will be able to dedicate more attention to you and help you move through the closing and moving process faster.

Cheap Deals On Furniture

Also, during the month of January, retailers will sell off their excess inventory from over Christmas in order to make room for the new models. This means that when you move into your new home you will be able to furnish it at a great discount.

These are just a few of the reasons why you might want to consider getting out this January and searching for your new home. House hunting during this time of year can offer you a number of advantages and you could possibly find that dream home you have been looking for at a great price.

For more helpful tips, contact your trusted real estate professional.

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