What Happens If You Find Your New Home Before You Sell Your Old One?

What Happens if You Find Your New Home Before You Sell Your Old One?What happens if you find the dream property that you want to buy before you have made the sale on your old property? Ideally you would have sold your current home before you buy your new property.

However, sometimes the transition doesn’t work out that way. You don’t want to give up the purchase if you have found a bargain on your dream home, so is it possible to buy the property before you have closed on your current residence?

The answer is yes, it is possible. You will need to use a financing option that will allow you to secure your next home before you have sold your existing property.

Getting A Bridge Loan

One option is a bridge loan. This is designed to wrap your payments for your current home and your future home into one loan, which can last usually between six and twelve months.

This type of loan usually involves a small fee and you will also be responsible for the closing cost on the mortgage on your next home.

Borrowing From Your 401K

Another option that might work is to borrow from your 401K, if your company allows it. In this situation, you will be able to borrow the money and then repay it right away when you sell your home. Of course, make sure you find out the rules on this first so that you are not at risk of incurring any penalties with the IRS.

Taking Out A Personal Loan

Another possible option is to take out a personal unsecured loan. Keep in mind, these types of loans usually have high interst rates and they will only last for a few years. Also, you will need to include the payments that you are making on that loan when you are qualifying for a mortgage on your next home.

Advantages To Buying Before Selling

One thing to keep in mind is that if you buy a new home before selling your old one, you will save yourself from a period of transition when you are between homes. Also, you will only need to hire a moving company once and you won’t have to put anything into storage, which will save you money.

For more information on how to make the best transition into your new home, speak with your trusted real estate professional today.

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