Keeping Quiet: Five Things You Shouldn’t Mention During an Open House

Keeping Quiet: Five Things You Shouldn't Mention During an Open House

An open house is an opportunity for sellers to showcase their property to a potentially large number of interested buyers, and a great way to generate buzz. While you want to be as open and honest about the property as possible, you also want to make a good impression – and that means there are some things that you don’t want to say during an open house. Here are five things that you should definitely keep to yourself during your next open house.

This Is Where The Dog Did His Business

There is a good chance that the new owner of a home is going to do something about stained carpet or hardwood. At best, the honesty is providing too much information to the buyer. At worst, the honesty could turn a potential buyer off.

The Candle Is Covering Up For Last Night’s Fish Dinner

A buyer wants to get a true feel for how he or she would enjoy living in the house. If a candle is covering up an unsavory scent, it could cause the buyer to ask what else a seller may be hiding.

The Neighbors Tend To Be Noisy

What one person may consider excessive noise may not bother another person. The last thing that a seller wants to do is create the impression that a home is not a peaceful place for the buyer to spend their evenings and weekends in. Let buyers judge for themselves how noisy your neighbors are.

The Schools Around Here Aren’t Very Good

Having good schools in the area is a feature that boosts property values for everyone in the neighborhood, and mentioning that the schools are poor or anything less than the best could turn buyers off. If the schools aren’t great or aren’t up to the seller’s standards, it is best to not mention them at all. Again, let your buyers decide whether or not they like the schools.

There Isn’t Much To Do Around Here

Although most buyers know what kinds of attractions are nearby, there is no reason to be negative about a house located in a more rural area. The concept of “boring” is subjective. If buyers are looking at your property, they have likely already researched the community – and they like it enough to come have a look at your house.

An open house is your opportunity to create a great impression. Don’t waste it by pointing out all of your home’s flaws. For more advice on how to sell your home, contact a local real estate professional today.

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