How To Throw A Memorial Day Weekend Party To Remember

Preparing For Memorial Day 2013Memorial Day weekend is widely regarded as the beginning of summer and many people kick off their summer plans on the weekend coming up.

We take this time to remember the brave men and women who have given their lives to protect and defend our liberty and freedom. But even while giving thanks for their sacrifice, we also celebrate the beginning of our summer with fun and (hopefully) sun!

As many people are more budget-conscious these days, holiday travel out of town may not be the best option for everyone. There are so many ways to enjoy the first long weekend of the summer, and since it is one of the busiest travel times of the year, maybe you should just plan to stay at your home this Memorial Day.

Not only do you get to skip packing suitcases and spending hours in the car, you’ll also save some money!

Below are six ideas to keep your kids smiling and get the whole family involved.

  • Plan the Menu – Memorial Day means picnics, and there are all kinds of fun and colorful dishes you can make to celebrate.
  • Make Decorations – Red, white and blue are the colors of the day. Get creative with centerpieces, balloons and table settings to make your Chicago home a festive holiday venue.
  • Invite Friends and Relatives – The more the merrier, right? And you can always ask your guests to bring a snack or covered dish to share.
  • Have a Plan B – How many times have you known it to rain on Memorial Day? Have a back-up plan in case Mother Nature makes you retreat inside.
  • Have Indoor and Outdoor Games – If the weather cooperates, water games, such as balloons or a slip-n-slide are perfect, but have some board games or crafts ready to go in case you find yourself running for cover. Don’t forget to have some games for the adults too!
  • Remember the Meaning of Memorial Day – The history behind the holiday is sometimes lost along the way. Make sure the kids realize why this holiday exists — to honor the people who fought to give us the freedom to celebrate.

So get out your address book or cell phone contact list and start calling your friends and relatives who have decided to forego the holiday traffic. With a little organization, you’ll be ready to throw a Memorial Day bash that no one will soon forget.

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