8 Tips On Making Candles Safe For Your Home

8 Tips On Making Candles Safe For Your HomeCandles and candle accessories are very popular. However, when not used properly, candles can be extremely dangerous, resulting in property destruction and even injury or death. Here are some candle safety tips to help keep you and your home safe.

  • Never leave a burning candle unattended. Walking away from an open flame inside your home is just not a good idea. You never know what may happen while you’re out.
  • Never burn a candle near something that can catch fire. This includes drapes, lampshades, furniture, bedding, books, and carpet. A flame in your home can quickly turn into a destructive fire.
  • Never burn a candle in a cracked container. A burning candle is filled with hot liquid wax that can burn you or damage your property. Only use sturdy, heat resistant candle holders.
  • Keep the flame in the center of the candle.  If the flame touches the candle holder, it can quickly crack or shatter the container.
  • Never let a candle burn over night. Candles are not nightlights. Make sure you extinguish all flames completely before going to bed each night. The flame is out when the wick stops glowing.
  • Never burn a candle within the reach of pets and children. The glowing flame of a candle is attractive to children and pets. They can easily knock over candles, which can lead to serious burns or a fire in a matter of minutes.
  • Never touch hot candle wax. Liquid candle wax is hot, and it can burn you. Teach your children to follow this rule.
  • Never burn a candle near a draft. The draft will shift the direction of the flame which will cause the candle to burn unevenly or start a fire in your home. If the candle flame is not burning in an upward direction, you need to move it.

If you follow common sense, you can enjoy the ambiance of candles in your home. For more information on candle safety in your home or have other questions about local real estate, please contact your trusted real estate professional.


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