5 Great Ways A Real Estate Professional Can Market Your Home Online

5 Great Ways A Real Estate Professional Can Market Your Home OnlineIf you have a great house at the perfect price point, you’re already on the right path to selling your home successfully. However, there are still many tricks of the trade you can utilize to bring potential homebuyers to you. If you’re working with a real estate agent and are looking for great ways to grab attention, here are a few that may garner added interest.

Create A Video Tour

Open houses are great for giving potential homebuyers a look at your place, but posting a video of your home online can bring in a few more interested candidates than the typical staging. Find a professional who will be able to adequately highlight your space so those who can’t visit in person will get a sense of its special features up close.

Give Your Home A Website

With so many people hitting the Internet first to search for homes, having your own personal page on which your home is featured can be a great way to drum up interest. Whether it exists at its own web address or on your real estate agent’s page, this kind of spotlight can get people in the door.

Utilize Email Marketing

Many real estate professionals are using email marketing to share tips and bolster their business, but these emails can also be a great place to feature client homes. Instead of having to hand out flyers or rely on passive listings, your home featured in an email blast will easily reach a broad range of potential homebuyers.

Invest In Professional Photography

Lighting has a lot to do with the way your home will appear in an image, so hiring someone that can highlight its best features is key. While subpar photos on a website are not going to captivate anyone’s interest, some well-lit photos with a focus on unique details can work wonders.

Post On Social Media

There’s a good chance that your real estate agent has a Facebook page or Twitter account, and these can be ideal forums for marketing your home and finding unexpected leads. The power and prominence of social media means a wider audience and an even better opportunity for the right buyer.

With so many homebuyers flocking to the Internet to find their next home, it’s a great opportunity for real estate agents everywhere to harness its power and market online. If you’re preparing to list your home, contact your local real estate professional for more information.

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