12 Trick-Or-Treating Safety Tips

12 Trick Or Treating Safety TipsGone are the days where parents sit at home while their costumed children run around the neighborhood alone. These days, most small children are walked door to door by family. While there is relatively little mischief they can get into under their parents’ watchful gaze, below are even more trick-or-treating safety tips for an untroubled, fun and haunted evening.

  1. Light Them Up – Put reflective tape on your children’s costumes and bags, so drivers can identify them easily. It’s dark out there!
  2. Plan A Route – Hit up familiar homes and don’t get too far from your house in case a small one gets tired or needs to go to the bathroom.
  3. Stay Out Of The Street – Keep kids on the sidewalk and be sure to look both ways before crossing the street.
  4. Take Stranger Danger Seriously – Don’t go into any dark, unfamiliar homes or get into cars with strangers.
  5. Hem Long Costumes – After purchasing a costume, make sure it’s at least three inches above the ground, so your little ghost won’t trip.
  6. Be Cautious Getting Ghoulish – Test makeup on a small portion of your child’s skin before putting it all over his or her face. Also, be sure to remove it before bedtime.
  7. Pack Away Pointy Toys – Make sure your children’s swords, knives and axes are short, flexible and made of foam.
  8. Wear Comfy Shoes – Avoid princess shoes with heals or anything that’s not flat and comfy for your tot. You don’t want them to trip in the dark.
  9. Watch Out For Flames – Keep flammable costumes away from luminarias or any open-topped glowing pumpkins.
  10. Pretend You’re At The Pool – Walk; don’t run.
  11. Put A Spotlight On Those Monsters – Carry a flashlight so that no one trips.
  12. Check Out The Treats – While this might seem paranoid, just quickly double-check the treats to make sure none have been tampered with or could pose a choking hazard.

Having your little witch in the emergency room instead of indulging in a late night sugar rush would put a damper on the entire holiday. So follow the 12 trick-or-treating safety tips above to help your child enjoy a hauntingly fun and safe Halloween.

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